PROCESS OF FORGETTING: single video and two-channel video, 2015

The video contains a collection of 52 self-portraits took over the course of more than a year. Barényi would always take a selfie before he went to a club, and then each time he came back, shortly before he went to bed. In the postproduction process, he amended these photographic double-portraits with entries of the specific day and time when the photo was taken. From these pairs of portraits, he finally produced the video in which individual images appear gradually.
The two-channel video bearing the same title is a second variation of the identical theme. This time, it is a short, few seconds-lasting recording of the artist's own face, again, just before and after a party, which was subsequently slowed down markedly in postproduction. The movements and gestures of his face enable a clearer distinction between the author’s condition at the beginning of the evening and in the morning.
In relation to the exhibition ‘TRYING TO FORGET’, this is a key piece of work as it tells a story that is not visible in the photos - the time spent at the party. On simple self-portraits it is easy to read whether forgetting the various unpleasantries was beneficial, and whether it was successful. This is the leitmotif of most of the author’s work from the period between 2012 and 2015. Formally, the author examines the diary’s abilities as a means of expression.

PROCES ZABÚDANIA: jednokanálová videoslučka a dvojkanálová video slučka, 2015

Video obsahuje zbierku 52och autoportrétov z obdobia viac ako jedného roka. Barényi sa odfotil vždy pred tým ako išiel do klubu, a vždy potom keď sa vrátil, skôr než si ľahol do postele. Fotografické dvojportréty postprodukčne doplnil o údaj s dňom a časom, kedy bola snímka odfotená. Z dvojíc portrétov vyrobil video v ktorom sa jednotlivé snímky postupne objavujú.
Druhou variáciou na rovnakú tému je dvojkanálové video s rovnakým názvom. Tento krát ide o krátky niekoľko sekundový záznam autorovej tváre, rovnako pred a po párty, ktorý bol následne postprodukčne výrazne spomalený. Na pohyboch a gestách tváre je zreteľnejší rozdiel medzi stavom autora na začiatku večera a ráno.
Vo vzťahu k výstave Trying to forget ide o kľúčovú prácu, ktorá hovorí o tom čo na fotografiách nevidno - o čase strávenom na párty. Na jednoduchých autoportrétoch je ľahké odčítať, či bolo zabúdanie na nepríjemnosti prospešné, a či sa podarilo. Ide o leitmotív väčšej časti prác z obdobia medzi rokmi 2012 - 2015. Po formálnej stránke autor skúma vyjadrovacie schopnosti denníka.